Yearly Archives: 2024

Combating Digital Exhaustion

Combating Digital Exhaustion

Today, digital devices are almost impossible to get away from. As essential as our devices are to our jobs, social lives, and entertainment, the constant presence of screens, notifications, and demands for immediate responses can have negative effects, including digital exhaustion. Let’s talk about digital exhaustion, how you can recognize it, and what you can do to reduce it. What…

Transforming Stress Through Intentional Living

Transforming Stress Through Intentional Living

If you’re exploring ways to manage your stress, you may have come across the term “intentional living.” What does it mean, and how can it help lower stress? How do you start living with intention? What is Intentional Living? Intentional living involves paying close attention to the choices you make and the things you do, with the goal of bringing…

Improving Wellbeing by Practicing Gratitude

Improving Wellbeing by Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude is associated with both mental and physical health benefits, including improved sleep1, greater happiness2, reduced symptoms of depression3, better overall wellbeing4, and numerous other positive effects. If you want to incorporate gratitude into your daily routine, this blog is for you. Discover how you can start your gratitude practice with just a few minutes of spare time every day!…

How to Help Someone with Grief

How to Help Someone with Grief

Grief is one of the most difficult emotions in life to deal with for both the grieving person and the people who care about them. This difficulty is compounded by the fact that grief can look very different from one person to the next. In the paragraphs below, we will discuss the varieties of grief, how you can help someone…