No matter what your job is, work can get stressful sometimes. A project deadline comes unexpectedly, a colleague may need urgent help, or an unexpected situation can throw your day’s schedule off track. When you are juggling multiple responsibilities, your work stress will accumulate faster than you anticipate. Becoming too stressful will make work seem unpleasant, causing you to feel tense, demotivated, or overwhelmed.

Maintaining good mental health in the workplace will alleviate your work stress. The more optimistic and comfortable you are, the less burden and pressure you put on yourself. Managers value employees with a positive mindset, demonstrating that they can take on new challenges with confidence. Plus, positivity is known to transfer in the workplace, so your happiness will cause others to feel more relaxed.

So, how do you become a pillar of positivity and not let the work stress get to you? Along with regular counselling services, there are various ways to deal with stress at work effectively. Follow these ten best techniques for managing stress at work:

Be friendly at work.

Be friendly at work to avoid stress.

Smiling, saying hello, and being interested in others will demonstrate your positive attitude at work. People prefer to be around others when they are genuinely pleasant. Often, they will reciprocate the kindness, making you feel more connected with your coworkers or clients. Your work stress will decrease when others communicate with you in a friendly way. It’s a cycle of positivity that will make your workday more enjoyable.

Meet work deadlines.

Meet work deadlines to avoid stress.

When it comes to workplace deadlines, give them your highest priority. Adhering to commitments establishes your reliability and shows that you respect the time of others. Others will perceive you as a positive employee who puts dependability over excuses. Plus, your work stress will decrease when you don’t have to rush for deadlines, be late for meetings, or procrastinate on urgent tasks.

Help others at work.

Help others at work to avoid stress.

A struggling colleague can contribute to a stressful work environment. Although you shouldn’t take on more work beyond your capabilities, it doesn’t hurt to offer a lending hand sometimes. Positive employees have a habit of being helpful, going out of their way to shoulder additional responsibilities. If you’re overwhelmed at work, the person you helped previously may return the favour, so you’ll both benefit from teamwork.

Work productively.

Work productively to avoid stress.

The happiest employees frequently go beyond their job description. Be open to the idea of working more and going the extra mile for your company. Some work stress comes from getting caught up in what is and isn’t part of your job. Instead of being bogged down by these details, your eagerness to do additional work will make you feel more productive. Just be sure to set limits for yourself and don’t take on more workload than you can handle.

Avoid work gossip.

Avoid work gossip to avoid stress.

Some employees know all the latest office rumours. Try to avoid spending excessive time in their company. By nature, gossip tends to be divisive or even destructive. Just as a positive mentality can be infectious, so too can a negative attitude. When you gossip regularly, you are bound to get caught up in stressful workplace drama, which will go against your productivity.

Speak respectfully at work.

Speak respectfully at work to avoid stress.

Words have power. Mind your language at the office, even if you have been there for many years. As a general rule, avoid using excessive profanity in a professional setting. While it may help you feel closer to some employees, you will make others uncomfortable. It makes a positive difference to your mental health, knowing that you haven’t offended anyone inadvertently with your words.

Reserve your work complaints.

Reserve your work complaints to avoid stress.

Not every workday will go smoothly and successfully. While it’s tempting to vent about a careless mistake or an aggravating interaction, these complaints may reflect poorly on you. You may also breed a culture of negativity, which will make the work environment less pleasant and more stressful. Use hopeful, productive language over negativity and complaints. If you must complain, save it for friends and family outside of your workplace.

Pay attention in work meetings.

Reserve your work complaints to avoid stress.

Please be mindful of your behaviour in meetings. People notice when others are routinely late, fail to pay attention or back out at the last minute. Tensions may arise from negligence, especially if your team members feel like you haven’t been listening to them. In other words, put down your phone, be patient, and contribute in meaningful ways when others are speaking.

Own your mistakes at work.

Own your mistakes at work to avoid stress.

Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone reacts well to them. While it may be tempting to blame circumstances or other people, make a habit of owning everything you do. Admit when you have made an error or oversight at work. Hiding a mistake will make you feel anxiety about the consequences for a long time. With your honesty, you will gain the trust of your team and act as a role model for many others.

Seek counselling to deal with work stress.

Seek counselling to deal with work stress to avoid stress.

Sometimes, work can feel so stressful that it impacts your mood and impairs your productivity. However, you don’t have to handle these burdens by yourself. Seek professional counselling services near you, which will offer effective coping mechanisms and mental health guidance. Work together with one of our experienced counsellors to manage your stress level, keeping it under control.